
Production Schedule

Presented above is my production schedule. Showing how I’m to target each task and when I want it to be achieved. This documentation is layout like this in a table format as its very easy to read and understandable. In comparison to a professional, big budget film, the table would incorporate more tasks to do as the production would be bigger. As my production is small, my production schedule only involves a minimal number of tasks due to the size and budget of my film. If I were to improve I would include information under each tasks, giving myself notes on what to critically focus on, on each section.

Call Sheet

Presented above is call sheet. Including times of arrival, contact numbers and details, directors and managers etc. overall is a review of the production and where to be on shooting days. I presented my Call Sheet in sections. No Information which isn't relevant to each other is together and each section is a different category. A way of improving would be to add colour. Therefore I could make the areas which are most important stand out, so people of production would be aware of important notices or messages. I did great in presenting my information in a clear form (through tables) however I could improve by making more important areas stand out.

Codes of Practice

Codes of Practice This piece of documentation is a set of written rules which explains how people working in my production need to have given permission in order to do there roles. I have put each sector into a table, outlining what permission the production needs to get and why. I have used a table so its very clear for me to understand and set out in an informative way. All the information is clearly laid out for me and the more important information is highlighted in bold. This makes the table very easily readable and not complicated in anyway. A way of improving my Codes Of Practice is too include more sectors into the table. I could separate columns like  Cast & Crew  and create them into two folders instead. Pointing out what specific permission I need from the cast and why and do the same with Crew. I could also do this with  Music And Sound . This will be beneficial as it will provide me with more information on each Catagory.


Storyboard This piece of documentation I have presented shows my ideas made into drawings and put into writing. The first picture is my draft, I initially only wanted four scenes. The second image is my actual completed storyboard. As you can see I adapted my first set of ideas as I put more scenes into my film. I also added writing to the right of my pictures, describing what was going to happen in each scene. A draft storyboard was a great idea as it allowed me to further my original ideas and add stuff to my original plot. From the completed second storyboard you can see I successfully laid it out in a clear way by doing it in a table. Its easily visible when their is a new scene, my images are clear and the writing just stats what is happening in that scene. This allows me to easily understand my ideas and if I need to revert back to my storyboard I can, with no difficulty of not understanding it.   To improve on my storyboard I could ad...

Post production roles

Post- production Roles This documentation is a table I created outlining roles which are needed in a production. I created this in a table so I could very clearly present what the roles/title was and what they do for the production. I could improve my presenting images, giving me examples of the roles. These could give me more of an idea of what they do for the production instead of having to read the description of their role. This would save me time when it came to be revisiting my work.

Source of Finance

Source of Finance Pros and Cons Of Different Finance Models Source of Finance Pros Cons The Studio Model (studio lends you money) Rely upon their expertise. They can give and share with your ideas based on their experience. Widening your knowledge. Take Creative control. They may think its ok to try and take some of your ideas and re-create them. May feel it’s okay as they are giving you money. UK Government Funding (government are lending you money) More likely to not have to pay it back. Saving the company, a lot of money in the long run. “They give out tens of millions into British film every year” therefore they may be willing to give more money than other financing sources. These funds will impose restrictions, rules and regulations for the company that could easily compromise the project. Therefore, you may not be able to expand and do the things you wish because of the funding. UK Tax Finances (small business are invited to con...

Letters permission

Letters (permissions)  Above is presented how I got the permission to film on school property. To improve I could of wrote letters to show more of a professional side or I could of just asked in one email. Therefore all dates and locations are in one email and it would have been simple.